Functional Unity is "The Missing Element" >>> Welcome to the official website of the: African Community Centers for Unity and Self-Determination, Inc. |
Functional Unity is that level and quality of social organization and structure that naturally aids us (as African/Black People) in building and maintaining power; Power to control the economic, political and cultural life of our Communities and Nations. Further, Functional Unity is that system and infrastructure through which any social group promotes and protects its vital interests. __________________________________________________ Without Functional Unity, as defined above, we have no option other than serving the interest of others. - To state it another way; with any social group, there are only two options; self-rule or subjugation. So, how do we build and maintain Functional Unity as that necessary tool of empowerment for our people? We do so by first establishing Unity and Self-Determination as the paramount goals of our local and global movement as African People. *Secondly, we must soberly construct and then maintain a sufficient tool or social device designed for the specific work of organizing the Unity we need. No matter how badly we want Unity and Power for our people, it can only come about through our confident will to be self-determined and then through the development and artful use of the specific social device spoken of above. *With this specialized tool or social device solidly in place, we can more effectively organize ourselves for empowerment and victory over oppression. For us, this necessary tool or social device is the "Functional Unity Process". This Process and System is currently being constructed and perfected as a prototype. The master plan calls for the duplication of this Process and System in cities and towns throughout the U.S. and beyond. The application of the Functional Unity Process answers the question, "What does it take to build the Empowered African (Black) Community?" The details of the Functional Unity Process are outlined in an organized presentation called the "Blueprint for Functional Unity". Interested persons can review this presentation live at the African Community Center(s) or online. Please note: The online presentation uses both audio and visuals. Sound speakers are required. Click here to get started with the online presentation. Our hope is that you will think enough of the Functional Unity Process to become an endorser and supporter. - Please don't hesitate to contact us with any question or concern: 404-344-5454 |
What is "Functional Unity"? |
The Functional Unity Platform |
The diagram below represents that part of the “Functional Unity Process” (System) open to use by anyone in our community. The Local Platform has nine (9) elements and the Coop as the economic foundation. Each element alone can be used by hundreds or thousands of individuals and organizations in the community. The Platform is offered as a service to promote unity. In time, this Process becomes a part of the life of the Community and naturally aids us in performing with greater solidarity and power. *Select any Platform Element for more information |
Functional Unity is the "Missing Element" > Become an army of one and share this site w/ everyone you know! |
The Unity Center “ACCUSD” |
Thank You! |
Click on Logo for meaning |